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Few Questions

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Looking for help with:

1. Making shooting range Pop-up Targets move from side to side within a certain area, and keep moving till they are shot, which in turn will then fall and stay down, till reset.

2. Random shooting range target pop ups every 3 seconds, This cycle should only start when activated by the generator option, otherwise it should just be pop-up target that when shot would fall and stay down till it is reset.

3.I placed a power generator for each shooting range and I intend to use them like a control panel to reset the targets, how would I be able to do such a thing?

4.I placed a flag on the map and I want it to give me the option of "Halo" and offcourse not just the option "HALO" but also to work. Also the option to skip 12 hours in game.

5. Can't think of anymore :), but your help is greatly appreciated.

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Interesting. I am sorry, I can't think of a good way to do that, but I will watch this topic in case someone comes up with something... I could use this because I'm trying to create ACE shooting range for my squad training. If you're doing something similar we may work together on this.

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Hello Egosa,

Thanks for the reply, can you elaborate more on the "Trigger and Addaction - command"? Like what I have is basically a Power Generator for every range "pistol, Rifle, etc.." And I want to basically get each one of this generators to work for a specific range, how would I make that possible. If you can post the command used either in "init" and/or possibly the script, that would be much appreciated.

Thanks again.

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How would I make that "skiptime 12;" a public variable so everyone can experience the change in MP?

Hello again,

Nevermind on that I found something simple:

put a trigger on the map with the condition:


and the activation with the skiptime command (e.g., "Skiptime 12")

attach to the leader an action that starts the following script:

GoSkiptime = True

PublicVariable "GoSkiptime"

Source: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=12932.0

Edited by unknownx9

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