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What are theese functions for?

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Hi all!

I have struggled some with this game now, struggled since I haven't had any game from that developer before and never used that system to order and so. It's complex to say the least! Any way, In the setup for keysettings there is something called custom commands. It has some things already filled by default and it is a total of 20 or so entrys. What are thoose for? How do I use them? I can't figure that out at al.

And the command that is named "select" and has no key binded by default to it. What do I select with that function? I have tried it but haven't found anything that I can use it for. Where to use that one?

And for last, a strange thing, or irritating and perhaps it is supposed to be so but when one respawns one can't use the gun direct. Have to change to what ever the second weapon is and then back again for it to be able to work. Is there something I missed here or is it supose to do so?

Hopefully I can get some answers from you guys that are way more experienced than me in this game!



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Hi all!

And for last, a strange thing, or irritating and perhaps it is supposed to be so but when one respawns one can't use the gun direct. Have to change to what ever the second weapon is and then back again for it to be able to work. Is there something I missed here or is it supose to do so?



Strange ive never seen this happen but if it does happen just press F

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Hi and welcome PukinDog,

Yes, it is complicated and a bit confusing. There are some unused buttons so don't worry about the custom commands.

As MattXR stated, you should not be having that problem with the weapon so might be worth resetting the keys to default. (Some do not like to be changed)

Good luck and keep at it. Its worth it once you finally get it set up.

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Thanks for the replyes.

I actually did reset the keybindings to default also since I messed it up som bad when I was testing. But that is still a problem. I will try again with that weapon mode button, same as toogle weapon I guess. Some things are called difrent in the game and in the manual it seems. Any way I think I actually had to change weapon to fix it.

About all the other butons. Ok, I don't have to think about it but still I'm curious to what they are for? Surely they didn't put them there just for if they had to use them and later forgot to hide them in the final code?!



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