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Extra equipment slots?

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Is there a way to give units more carrying capacity besides using ACE/backpacks?

It seems like you could just change one small variable somewhere. The gear interface wouldn't need to be changed since the list on the left isn't limited by graphical slots like the right side is. Sure, you wouldn't see pictures of the extra gear on the right, but it would be counted on the left.

I have "overloaded" units, which is almost fine in SP (just don't try to rearm: you lose alot of stuff) but when I open my mission in MP, the extra equipment is gone.

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Yes, it is possible, sort of. I did it for Arma 1.

I dePbo'ed the weapons.pbo and deRapyfied the config file so I could edit it.

In the sectiopn called "class CfgMagazines" go to the weapon magazine of your choice and look for an entry like this:

type = "2 * 		256";

Change this to

type = "256";

Then you will have reduced the number of slots that type of magazine occupies from 2 to 1.

Say you want to be able to carry more RPG-ammunition. Then you find the "type" entry for the RPG ammunition you want, say "PG7VR", and change it.

 class PG7VR: PG7V
 model = "\ca\weapons\PG7VR_proxy";
 modelSpecial = "\ca\weapons\rpg7VR_launcher_loaded";
 displayName = "$STR_MN_PG7VR";
 ammo = "R_PG7VR_AT";
 picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\M_PG7VR_ca.paa";
 initSpeed = 70;
 descriptionShort = "$STR_DSS_1Rnd_PG7VR";
 type = "[b][color="Red"]3 [/color][/b]* 256";

As you can see the PG7VR uses 3 slots. Edit this like so:

 class PG7VR: PG7V
 model = "\ca\weapons\PG7VR_proxy";
 modelSpecial = "\ca\weapons\rpg7VR_launcher_loaded";
 displayName = "$STR_MN_PG7VR";
 ammo = "R_PG7VR_AT";
 picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\M_PG7VR_ca.paa";
 initSpeed = 70;
 descriptionShort = "$STR_DSS_1Rnd_PG7VR";
 type = "256";

Unfortunately I can no longer edit the config file successfully. :(

I rapify and pbo it like I used to (using Mikeros Eliteness tool), but for some reason I get weird errors now. If you can find a tool that works, then by editing the config, you can easily get some more slots for ammo.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the reply. I think I'll just wait for OA, since it's supposed to have backpacks. :) I really want to be able to carry 20+ m203 rnds in my MP missions, as I've been told by some vets that it's not an unrealistic ammount in some situations.

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