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All follow All!!....WTF?,...

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On the Guardian mission where you gaurd the convoy, if i get in the APC's gunner position, when i give the driver a destination, he says 'yes sir, blah,blah,blah,...', but does'nt move, so i gets in and drives and puts No4 in the gunners seat,then when we all pile out to cap us some Reds, i try to get them to fall into formation, and all i gets is 'All Follow All'!!, or 'All Follow Four'!!,what gives?, is there another command thats not in the GoodBook?, i've had this kinda thing happen before,and would like to know A: how to stop it, and B: how to make it happen again, it could be useful, wink.gif,...

Please enlighten me!, Ignorance is'nt always Bliss!!,..smile.gif

(Edited by BoonieRat at 6:16 pm on Nov. 22, 2001)

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Oh yes how I've screamed at my troops, NO FOLLOW ME d*amn IT! MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

It seems they'll follow you if you take up the 'commander' position but swap to 'gunner' or 'driver' and they dont 'recognise' your statas as big chief!

Another problem in that mission is that you lose the ability to tell convo orders over the radio. I thought at first it might be an 'out of range problem' but no, sometimes even when you have them in view the game refuses to give you the option of contacting them by radio. I've had to drive back to within a few feet of them and suddenly the option returns.

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I alway's got this prob aswell. The solution I found was, U have to tell ur self ur ready i.e 0-1. They stop following u if u say that ur injured and what BonnieRat just posted.

hope it helps smile.gif

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yea if your commander and it says for you to follow some one or move to ( it should not)

just hit reply then fail in the radio bar

and then reorder your men and you should be fine

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