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Temporarily Setting Prone + 'Moveto' Questions

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1. How does one set a unit or group to 'prone', and then stand them up, via script? I need everyone to stand up as the screen fades in from black, as we were just in a helicopter crash and blacked out a bit.

Also, how do I add a blur effect to this?

2. When setting a 'moveto' command, etc, once the units reach the destination, will they continue as normal, attack targets, etc? Or do they 'moveto' the position permanently?


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Hallo again!

You need to use this syntax to get them prone/crouched/up: this setunitpos "down"; that it making them go prone, this setunitpos "up"; is getting them to stand up... and if you want them to crouch: this setunitpos "middle"; if you want the unit to DECIDE BY ITSELF if being in prone or crouched use this: this setunitpos "kneeldown"... now with the moveto... As i said in my other post... you gotta think by urselve... instead of asking test it! put different moveto orders and see it for yourselve xD!

Best Regards, SGJackson!

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Your suggestion may work for overall behavior, but there is not really a practical way for me to test even the slightest change to the way the AI functions after reaching the destination, hence my question.

I only ask when I do not know :P

Anyone got ideas for the blurring?

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I think the AI first eliminates every single enemy precense first... Because if you observe, every single time the AI find an enemy he goes prone, and if he goes prone he's going to take it out.. and i say: yes, it takes every enemy out first.

Best Regards, SGJackson!

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By modifying the command you gave me in another thread, {deletevehicle _x} foreach thislist;, can I say {_x moveto getpos Target} foreach thislist; in a trigger, which moves all groups in the trigger to 'Target'?

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No... I took the liberty to do a test and figguer out what you need!

{_x DOmove getpos Target} foreach thislist; that's the command you need... otherwise they won't move... Now, i recommend putting a name to the group leader and doing this:

{_x DOmove getpos Target} foreach units group <leadername>; it's much more organized and i'll guarantee no mistake in game!

And, why are you doing this with commands and not with waypoints? Because if you want to make a unit move to its destination i'll be easyer witrh waypoints! I figguer out a way of doing it WITHOUT waypoints... it's not tested it just got trough my mind: you put 2 game logics, the 1st one named Target, and the second one named target2, a group and 2 triggers.. Put the first trigger to be activated by your group side, in the OnAct place the syntax: {_x DOmove getpos Target} foreach units group <leadername>; now, place the second trigger ON the game logic... I meant, the Axis should match with the size of the game logic ¬¬... Now put the trigger to be activated by the side of your group again and place the same syntax in the trigger BUT changing Target for Target2... now the group will move to the game logic Target and when they get close to the area they'll change direction and kep moving to the other game logic JUST LIKE IF THEY WERE WAYPOINTS!!!!!!!!!!

Best Regards, SGJackson!

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