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Playing a Default Sound Across All Players

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How does one play the sound of a helicopter exploding (default sound - using ACE, though), or emulate a chopper exploding, so that you get the sound, activated via script?

At the moment, I black out the player's vision, and setdamage to false, then blow up the chopper next to them. Problem is, they keep shaking because of the ACE explosion shake, even though they take no damage.

Also, how do I kill the crew of the heli, once it's destroyed?

I've been racking my brain over this one for a while.


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Maybe the solution is to make a trigger that has the xplosion sound effect on its activation..

In the trigger's 'On activation' field, write for example:

start == 1

then when you blackout the vision of the player already set the global variable 'start' to one:

start = 1; //set start to 1
publicVariable "start"; //send the variable's value all over the network

so in all player's machines the trigger will activate and play the sound

Edited by goliath86

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That's certainly one step closer!

But what sound is the sound of the heli exploding, normally? Ambient explosion isn't the right sound.


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If you search in ACE under 'Voices'maybe you can find the explosion's sound..do not search in 'ambient' category..if you can't find a good explosion sound then you can find a sound in internet or make the 'trik' of the heli explosion near the player

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I would if I could, but sadly, the ACE shaking becomes 'stuck', as it believes I should be dead, even though setdamage false contradicts this. I need to somehow either get that exact sound, or an actual heli exploding, nearby, without receiving damage.

Cheers so far!

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Ok, i understand. search through all the trigger's sound if you find any sound that you like..if you can't find anything maybe you have to find an audio sample from internet and use the command playSound

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Var = 1;

publicVariable "Var";

as you said results in the trigger not firing. Taking out the 'public variable' line allows it to work again. What am I doing wrong?

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the publicvariable should be use in MP game to send the variable's value to all others players..

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But why doesn't it work when I hit 'preview'? 'Var =1' is still there, so the trigger should still fire? Why does the publicVariable thing mess it up?

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I've tried the code above and the publicVariable command don't mess up anything..it's strange that you have to delete the publicVariable command to make it work :confused:

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