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ACEX SF HMMWV - How to assign units to 3 gunner positions?

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The SF HMMWV got 3 gunner postions and i can man the main gun with moveInGunner but how to man the other 2 positions?

I tried moveInCommander & moveInTurret but that didn't work. moveInCargo of course move them in as passengers in the back.

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The SF HMMWV got 3 gunner postions and i can man the main gun with moveInGunner but how to man the other 2 positions?

I tried moveInCommander & moveInTurret but that didn't work. moveInCargo of course move them in as passengers in the back.

I've seen this around but can't find it. I'm looking for the same thing. It's not something as simple as moveInGunner1 and MoveInGunner2 is it? I haven't tried it yet.

I just found someone say this:

Yes, moveInTurret can be used for additional weapons on a vehicle, e.g. the additional door guns on some of the helos.

But you should also look at the BIS "functions" module and read the help info for it - just do a search for BIS_fnc_help and you'll find out how to set it up. There's some functions there for spawning vehicles with complete crews.

I'm trying to find out what this is about.


Found it.


Edited by Manzilla

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