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Hi, I need help what I want to do is figure out how to use voices like in the training misson where you have to fly the VTOL aircraft and before you take off you hear the ATC (Air Traffic Control). Well to cut to the point I have a mission and I want to know how to make a aircraft controller voice for take off and stuff. PLEASE TRY TO GET TO THIS AS QUICK AS YOU CAN, Thankyou for your help. :)

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If i don't missunderstand you, you are asking for a predefined voice?

'cause if you are i'm sorry to say that no, there is not... I though about it too but, how Splicer says, you MUST create the sound... Let me explain:

1st. of all AND THE MORE IMPORTANT POINT: Download "ArmA Edit"... It's for creating briefings/notes/descriptions/inits and the most important, SCRIPTS.

2nd: Record the sentence that you want to say and then convert it into and .Ogg file (i use the "Audacity" program, it's quite usefull for alot of things) and save the record into your mission folder.(Default: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\My documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\YOUR PROFILE\missions\YOUR MISSION\Sounds) IT'S VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU PLACE IT IN THE SOUNDS FOLDER!

3rd: Create a Description file (in arma edit) and click "add sounds" then select "CFGSounds" and add the sound that you want to play in mission.

4th: once you've CORRECTLY done points 2 and 3 (and of course the 1st. too) Place, in your mission, a trigger that looks like this:

Axis A/B: 5(or any other you'd prefer)

Activation: Blufor(or any other you'd prefer)

OnAct: playsound "YOUR SOUND";

I ussualy use sounds 'cause the CFGMusic and the CFGRadio doesn't work propedly..(unless not for me)

Besides the music and the radio are useless... 'cause the fact that you call it cfgSOUNDS doesn't mean that it couldn't be a song... and you could attach it to a text or radio message by adding the syntax that i gave you into your radio trigger. Hope this works for you! It woked for!

Best Regards, SGJackson.

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