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'Fadesound' question

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Hi all. Does anyone know if it's possible to fade sound in rather than just fade it out, using the fade command or a script? Cheers for any help.

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0 fadesound 0; sleep 0.01; 10 fadesound 1;

this will make the sound fade in for 10.01 seconds.

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Cheers for the reply Jelliz. Unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried executing the line you have provided in both my init file and in-game and neither seems to have an effect? Any ideas as to where I'm going wrong?

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try it without the sleep, i forgot that sleep commands dont work in inits.

A workaround would be that you put the 0 fadesound 0 in the init, and then put the 10 fadesound 1 in a trigger with the condition set to anybody present.

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hmmmmm.... very strange. Don't know where I'm going wrong but I just can't get it to work. Thanks for the help anyway Jelliz, I'll try experimenting with it and see what I can come up with.

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I want to get the sound slowly quiet. I have tried:

10 fadesound 0;

But the sound was suddenly after 10 secons out. So I tried this:

1 fadesound 0.9

2 fadesound 0.8

... till fadesound 0

But again, after 10 seconds the sound was suddenly out.

How can I fade it slowly out and slowly on again?

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