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ACE2 HALO help...

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So I am trying to make a mission where I H.A.L.O. jump on the A.C.E. 2 mod. I gave my guy an MC-5 parachute, but when he jumps out of the C-130 he free falls but I have 0 control over him. And when I pull my rip cord for my chute, it flails around like mad. Anyone able to help me out here?

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I am trying to do this as Well, I would like to substitute that crappy T10 with a MC-5 but so far this is proving to be impossible. I am using the standard Halo script found with most dominations. Is it as simple as changing a class name?

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simple solution, once you have started the halo, run this code:

waitUntil {(typeOf (vehicle _unit)) == "old_chute_name"};
_veh = vehicle _unit;
_pos = getPos _veh;
_unit setPos (getPos _unit);
deleteVehicle _veh;
_veh = createVehicle ["new_chute_name", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_unit assignASDriver _veh;
_unit moveInDriver _veh;

code will replace old chute with one of choise, just change names in above code.

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So I am trying to make a mission where I H.A.L.O. jump on the A.C.E. 2 mod. I gave my guy an MC-5 parachute, but when he jumps out of the C-130 he free falls but I have 0 control over him. And when I pull my rip cord for my chute, it flails around like mad. Anyone able to help me out here?

To start an ACE halo, you need to exec(once the unit is in the air):

player execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf";

That will start the real ACE halo animation and controls. If you use a general HALO script or the BIS one you could have problems like the one you said. Its also important that the guy have the parachute on their secondary slot and not on the "on back" slot( if the unit had a backpack or a launcher and you try to add a parachute it could fail ^^, you need to move it to onback slot and add the parachute or just remove it and add the parachute), you should have a visible black backpack that is the parachute to be able to use it.

If the unit its inside the 130 and jumps out manually, he this isn't needed :S the halo would start automatically. So the question is, are you using any halo script? ^^

Edited by columdrum

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