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Removing trigger

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I've searched the forums but i couldnt find anything.

Basically i'm making a mission where i need to capture somebody.

However, i want him to commit suicide if you confront him directly, and only surrender if you are standing at his back.

What i've done so far is create 2 triggers on either side of the guy i want.

One triggers a suicide animation, the other makes him join me.

However, if i made him join me and run on into the other trigger, he still kills himself, which ofcourse shouldnt happen anymore at that point.

So, how would i delete the trigger that makes him kill himself after the other trigger that makes him surrender to me has been activated?

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trg1 setTriggerStatements ["false", "", ""]

That will set the condition of a trigger named "trg1" to false. False means it will never fire.

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Thanks that solved my problem.

Edit: does anybody know if it is possible to set fire to objects like tyre piles?

Edited by SiC-Disaster

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Edit: does anybody know if it is possible to set fire to objects like tyre piles?

No. But till someone tells you, or you figure it out, just set about 3 burning camp fires right next to each other and set the tire heap on top. :)

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Found it, you can make a gamelogic burn with the following script:

BIS_Effects_Burn = compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf";

nil = [firelogic1,15,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;

You can add that to a trigger of the gamelogic itself, with the gamelogic being called firelogic1.

Just place the game logic on whatever you want to burn.

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well, you might have solved it but I am working on a situation that creates a trigger when you deploy. (Addon), and I need to remove the trigger when you undeploy.. so i don't end up with several triggers covering the map.

Would deletevehicle work? (to make my situation worse i am actually editing addons without having arma2 acesses.. so can't try).

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