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Problems with evo blue v3.92

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hello, i ve got a problem with the evoblue v3.92 no addons.

i have an arma2 linux server debian lenny 64 bits.

when i put the evoblue pbo in mpmissions directory of my dedicated server,

i can see the evoblue in the game, i can choose it but i can start the evoblue game.

someone have an idea ?

i ve got this in my log server :

Missing addons detected:


Warning Message: Il est impossible de jouer/modifier cette mission, elle repose sur du contenu téléchargeable qui a été supprimé.CAAir

someone can help me ?

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You don't make the mods happy when you make multiple topics about the same thing (in addition to posting them in the wrong section).


Your question will be seen and hopefully answered, but not from asking it over and over.

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