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Ground attack

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I am a newbie to opf and have completed the first 2 SP missions fairly easily ( after learning that you could place satchels and then hide...Derr).

I am now onto ground attack which i find difficult, i can not get any other weapon on the chopper to work apart from the 30mm. Can anyone give me any info to teach me how to enable these weapons (and possibly how to use them would be good)Any help on this mission would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx in advance


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The [ ] keys togel through all the actions you have available in game. When in the chopper, one of them should be Manual Fire. Hit this and you can fire the weapons yourself. This just makes it easier. Other than that, you should be able to switch through all of your weapons with the space bar. Good hunting!


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Best thing to do on either of the Ground Attack missions (IMHO), is to use manual fire, switch to FFAR's, line yourself up so that you can fly more or less over them, and unleash hell. Just press the fire button and go right over their heads, don't let go. Any survivors can just be picked up by TOW/Hellfire rockets!

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I have worked it out, i kaned the convoy by hovering inside the town and letting go as the convoy came down the hill,

the convoy did'nt even get to let a shot off.

Thanx for your help!!

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they shouldn't fire.. they have no weapons to pick you off with...

when you get to the second ground attack with the AH-64.. then you'll hafta put up with them Shilkas... my advice... hug the ground as much as possible behind trees, buildings, anything.. in that mission (if you haven't already) you will learn real chopper tactics... the first one is just a time based assault.. you are in no danger unless you disembark from the cobra. smile.gif

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yes i find manual fire the best way too, it saves on the ammo especially with the rockets

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On ground attack two I fly as high and fast as I can. then I cycle through my targets until one of them seems miles out of place. That one (always the Shilka) gets picked off first. Then the rest of them get blown away by a burst of FFar's.

Has anyone ever taken out or even seen the MI-24 or SU-25 that comes to attack you in this mission; it's the only mission on flashpoint where you get a good old dog-fight (except you're a helicopter of-course). I took 'em both out eventually, but it's a killer shooting a plane from an aerial platform.

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I found the SU-25 easier to kill than those pesky MI-24's. I mean what the heck do those russians use for armor that the AH-64 doesnt have? I mean I seem to get shot down by mi-24's, not just this mission but in mp or all missions with them, in just a few 30mm hits but it takes me a good 100 rounds to take them out.

The su25 seems to go down from about 10 rounds

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Coming to think of it, you're right. The SU-25 can't shoot for it's life, but the MI-24's as accurate as hell and doesn't dish out much before you're dead!

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taking into account that the Mi-24 is both tranport and attack chopper its a big bastard and it has much space to be hit without avail. u really need to hit it in sensitive places in order to force it to go down, and it engine is pretty well protected by the bulk of the body.

as one Afghan rebel said :"we dont fear the russians but we fear their helicopters"

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last time i played ground attack2, i had taken out the convoy when the hind showed up and started to do me in with a 30mm. enima, by the time i had the apache swung around to return fire, the su-25 came out of nowhere and slammed right into me, killing both of us. had to share.


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