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Allow Damage not Working

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I want to have an UAV coming down, as i set the fuel to 0 with a trigger.

If i give the Init of the UAV "UAV allowDamage false" it still getting destoyed.

Is allowDamage not working at all-how do i make it undestroyeble?

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It should work unless the unit's name isn't UAV. Since you're doing it in the unit's init box, use this allowDamage false instead.

Edit: now that I tested it, it indeed explodes. It seems that aircraft aren't protected from crashing.

Edited by Celery

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If you don't mind a stupid-looking crash, here's a workaround:


Condition: getPos UAV select 2>0.1 and getPos UAV select 2<0.5

On act: UAV setVelocity [0,0,0]

It should halt the UAV so it lands softly on the ground. If it still crashes, raise the 0.5 to some bigger number so the trigger has time to react.

Edit: dammit, it still explodes. :confused:

Edited by Celery

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Hi all!

Let's try this:

write in the initfield of the uav this line:

nul = this execVM "scripts.sqf"

then write an .sqf file and name it 'scripts.sqf' and write in it this code:

waitUntil{ ((getPos _this) select 2)<9 };  //try to raise or fall the number '9' (the height of the uav before it touches the ground)
_this setVelocity [0,0,0];
_this setPos [(getPos _this) select 0, (getPos _this) select 1, 0];
_this allowDamage false;

It work for me, I've tested it for a few. It don't allow the UAV to get damage when it touches the ground. Maybe you have to raise or fall the number '9' in the waitUntil command but I've seen that 9 seems to be the perfect height.

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