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Yet another thing about it. :)

I was in a tank and i commanded a couple of them. I saw the suppression option (SPACE, 3, 9) and it didnt work. At least not by just having the tanks fire where i point without enemies around. This is something that would be very nice to do even when no enemies are seen.

To have the suppression option when pressing SPACE only would be great as well yet not uber important. But we have "MOVE THERE" and "STOP" etc plus a lot of greyed out options. So couldnt suppress also be in that menu? Point mouse, SPACE, SUPPRESS = AI start suppressing the area you point at. And to make them stop you have to order them to stop suppressing. Otherwise they empty their mags. That would make it easier for BIS i think. So the AI doesnt have to take that into cosideration like when to stop firing to preserve ammo etc. We have suppression wich works good when AI firing at you for example. So that is good as it is, but to be able to get our own AI to fire on our orders without enemies i think would be superb and add greatly to the game.

Because sometimes you see some enemies but havent revealed them to the rest of the AI team because they hide to fast. You know they are behind some stone wall but cant make your AI to suppress the area. With a suppression option that work freely without having to actually reveal the enemy to your squad you could open up for better tactics where you can tell your men to stop (stand still) and suppress the area. Take some AI with you and flank while the bullets rain down at the area of the hidden enemies.

What do you think? Maybe hard to implement it like this?

I know there has been a lot of discussions about this, and its possible i missed something about this. Maybe its BIS idea to make it like this? Just wanted to get it off my chest as i was testing a mission just now where i really wanted my team to open up. :)


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Preemptive shooting or area suppression? Honestly I'm not so sure. Personally I'd leave that up to scripted stuff for the big guns. Mortars and other CSWs. AI seems to have very little sense on using "common sense" to restock themselves, so that part would have to be improved first. One problem is "how high"? Pointing at a place will make them shoot into the ground at that point. Giving them 0.5-1.0m lift may cause problems if you select a ridgeline. Maybe. Dunno.

I don't know how easy it is for modders to put commands into that command line, but something similar could already be achieved within ACE. When you issue the command, simply create an invisible ACE target that the AI home onto, which is then removed. AI will then resume "normal" suppression mode based on that last seen "enemy".

So before any such thing is implemented, I would want some time to experiment with it. I.e. I wouldn't mind seeing an M242 suppress a building. I've done it via scripting, and it's scary as hell :D

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