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Error Message When Launching Mission

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Heya. Me and my buddies love to play Domination, and me, knowing a only a tad bit, offered to edit the Domination gamemode for our own use. What I have been trying to do, is take the Domination-ACE USMC gamemode, and kinda switch it up a bit for me and my buddies, such as replacing the player units with ones such as Jonny's SF, and replacing the blackhawks with ADuke's, and so on, maybe adding in a couple of extra vehicles for our amusement. However, whenever I start up the map, whether through the editor or in multiplayer, I get this message once the game starts and none of my vehicles respawn (and yes, the init line is there for the respawn script) "(_pos |#| ==0)" with something like "Error ==: Type array, expected number" and a couple of other things after that...Even when I load the original map in the editor, I recieve that message. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Edited by LycanVS

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