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Editor/scripting help

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(I searched editor/scripting and found nothing, so sorry if there is already a thread out there about this)

Hello everyone, I am currently trying to make my first mission with the editor, and have some questions about how to make units/objects do certain things.

I have built a little "base" for my starting point, and I was wondering, how can I get the AI (not under my control) to climb a ladder to the 2nd level of the towers. I know it probably has to do with scripting? and Idk if there is a script out there, or if there is simply just a waypoint I can put down.

I was also wondering if I could put objects (like Machine Guns) on the 2nd level of things also, cause when I spawn them they just go to the ground level.

and Last but not least, Is there any way I can make a unit talk? like say Take Cover! soon as the mission would start? Also I can use the map I am making on multiplayer correct?

Thanks for the help everyone (I'm just a noob in need of help) :).

If anyone can help me with this, I would be forever grateful.

Edited by todayskiller
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Anyone know how? If not, can you give me some tips to editing, this is the first Time I have been on editor.

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This is really in the wrong section and will probably get locked up here soon. Your best bet for help is in the Editing section. I get help there all the time. For help with getting AI into towers, do a search for "setpos" and see if that yields any results. Making units talk... I am not sure.

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