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Team switch & out of ammo

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After reading a few post, it would seem as though you cant switch into another team mate in the single player campaign mode.

Problem is, my team mates are out of ammo and i can no longer "force" them into picking up ammo.

I also found a mod here that suppose to make them automatically pick up ammo but after installing it it says a file is missing.

OK, I tried to be clever, but apparently not enough to outsmart this game (or at least its bugs)

Help please.

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Select the guy who is out of ammo. Tell him to go to a dead body, ammo crate, or near a vehicle with ammo. Hit 6 so it brings up the action menu, and then go to gear. You can then select their gear for them.

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Ive been trying that for a while. the only source I have for weapons is at the base I am creating. when I pick him and hit 6 i can buy weapons or gear. neither one is correct.

I can only guess its because the location is not a valid one for weapons? if there is no dead corpses, and only your base, where do you go to reload?

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vehicles can have ammo, bodies, ammo crates, there can be some on the ground.

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