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OFP Lover

radio channels

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what does they mean and when should we use what?






Edited by OFP Lover

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Global channel (white): every unit can hear/read text sent in this channel

Side channel (blue): only units on the same side as the transmitting unit can hear/read the text (e. g. all east or west units)

Group channel (green): all units in the same group can hear/read

Vehicle channel (yellow): only units in the same vehicle can hear/read

Direct channel: only units close to the transmitting unit can read the sent text

The channels are very important in multiplayer. In a coop mission squad leaders would talk in the blue side channel for example while the squadmembers (no leaders) would only write in the green groupchat channel to keep the text chat free for inter-squad communications.

The channels are also important for mission designers because you can send text or radio voices through each channel with the following commands:









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thanks a lot.

but I don't hear any human voices (other than those of the game itself) in the game.

how I can hear others voice and speak myself?

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There was or still is a VON (Voice Over Net - a built in Teamspeak so to speak) feature in the game but it is only active when you play MP via DirectPlay if I'm not mistaken. But hardly any server uses DirectPlay (they use Sockets instead) so the VON in Operation Flashpoint is paractically non existant.

The links to the sideChat commands etc. I posted above can only be used by mission designers, you cannot use them yourself as a player in a multiplayer game so you are stuck to only using the text channels and rely on an external program like Teamspeak or Mumble for voice communication in the game.

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