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"Landing" helicopters on buildings issues

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I've spent way too much time on trying to make this work various ways.

I have searched here and Armaholic, and I've read the posts I could find and tried things people suggest (scripts, tricks, etc.), but nothing is working right.

All I want to do is have a helo either land on top of a flat-roofed building or hover over it so players can load in for transport. -Sounds simple enough, right?

But I think we're up against two sticky wickets of Arma2: the helo control issues and buildings' attributes.

Maybe I just have this kind of picture burned into my brain too deeply, but it seems like this should be feasible in the game.

EDIT: at the suggestion below, I have tried Mando's HeliRoute script. And it's not beginning scripter friendly, but once I got the feel for it, it's very handy. Its' strength is the ability to do precise controls of the helo through a script. The trade off is that the movement of the helo is a bit unrealistic, a bit too "robotic" and not fluid. But for some situations, I'll be willing to trade off good looking movement for precise control. My hat's off to Mando for providing an Arma2 version of this script. You can find it here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6959

Edited by Lucky44

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I will take another look at it. I looked at it months ago, when I was first getting to know Arma/Arma2, and it was unwieldy to me at that point. Maybe my skill is high enough now to get it working. Thanks.

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OK, that's a good solution! BUT...it's not real easy to use unless you have a solid grasp of scripting. (If I get a good handle on it, and I intend to, I'll try to create a more noob-friendly guide to it.)

In the meantime, can anyone who knows this very cool script help me figure out how to get a helo to wait for a team of players to load into it? I tried adapting the following Mando demo lines, but it didn't work:

{_x assignAsCargo heli1} forEach units group soldier1;
units group soldier1 orderGetIn true;
waitUntil {{_x in heli1} count units group soldier1 == count units group soldier1};

How could I adapt that to work for a player group?

EDIT: I found that if I used "soldier1" for my group leader's name (or changed the name used in the lines above to match the player group leader's name), and then in game I manually give my squad the order to get in the helo, it works great. Once they're all in, the script moves on to the next set destination (that is, continues to process the rest of the script I've written.)

Edited by Lucky44

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