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Last minute change in 61974 made it into 1.05 - ESC key broken?

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Okay, so something happened in 61974 and unfortunately it made it into 1.05. If you use a spectator console like in Domination (that's kegetys spectator script), escape no longer works to exit it. If this is known, does anyone know how I should recode the script for it to work again?

Start a version of Domination that has the 'admin' spectator console, and enter it. You'll notice that you cannot exit it, nor can you even bring up the game pause menu. You can only alt-f4 or control-alt-delete. :(

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Ah yeah, what he did is added an event handler to the ESC key that exits the dialog. Still disconcerting that ESC doesnt exit the menu anymore though. (as it used to) It does work with Xeno's workaround but this kind of change will break alot of dialogs possibly, unless they are updated with this fix.

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