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Request for cloudlet details.

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Is there any way I could get some documentation on cloudlets? Already checked the BI wiki, forums here and elsewhere with no luck. Just looking at examples in the ArmA2 .pbo files does not explain how they work very well either.


1. How tables work in them.

2. What the variable names are and what values they can take.

3. How expressions can be used to dynamically control which aspects.

4. What particle effects are available.

5. Clarification on lifetime and interval.

A full-fledged write-up on the BI wiki would be superb, but right now I'll take whatever I can get.

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Different effect types can have different input variables:

BULLET (Ammo Impact effects):

EXHAUST (vehicle exhaust):

DUST (vehicle dust):

WATER (vehicle water effects):

DAMAGE (airplane and helicopter damage effects):

EFFECT (airplane and helicopter rotor washdown):

FIRE (fires buring in fireplaces):

SMOKESHELL (smoke shell ammo):

Outputs depend of effect type you create. You may create light, sound or particle effects. Outputs for them are:

 scalar interval
 scalar circleRadius
 vector circleVelocity

 scalar timerPeriod
 scalar lifeTime
 vector position
 vector moveVelocity
 scalar rotationVelocity
 scalar weight
 scalar volume
 scalar rubbing
 scalar angle
 scalar sizeCoef
 color colorCoef
 scalar animationSpeedCoef
 scalar randomDirectionPeriod
 scalar randomDirectionIntensity

 scalar lifeTimeVar
 vector positionVar
 vector moveVelocityVar
 scalar rotationVelocityVar
 color colorVar
 scalar randomDirectionPeriodVar
 scalar randomDirectionIntensityVar


 vector position;
 color diffuse;
 color ambient;
 scalar brightness;

Inputs are mapped to outputs using http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Simple_Expression

Edited by Suma

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That helps! Thank you. Keep those details flowing.

Especial about Tables. The meaning of the time variables uses is quite opague. What are the units used for those and how do those values alter the effects?

Edited by Evil_Echo

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