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can any body tell me why the bullets goes throught the wrecked building walls

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Edited by W0lle
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what is their caliber and speed? I believe those affect penetration. If the bullet is long enough and has enough velocity it will penetrate.

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what is their caliber and speed? I believe those affect penetration. If the bullet is long enough and has enough velocity it will penetrate.

A normal bullet from a m16 penetrates them, there is no dust when hit ,very strange:confused:

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it might be possible that the walls destruct hit LOD (I am not sure of the correct technical name) is not correct and the simulation is not seeing it as a surface to impact.

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it might be possible that the walls destruct hit LOD (I am not sure of the correct technical name) is not correct and the simulation is not seeing it as a surface to impact.

thanks NouberNou for your help.:)

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it might be possible that the walls destruct hit LOD (I am not sure of the correct technical name) is not correct and the simulation is not seeing it as a surface to impact.

i found out, that only D_block ruins have solid impack, _A_B_C_block ruins have no impacked. If u stand behind A_B_C_blocks ruins you die, has any body had this problem ? thanks again plum...:confused:

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