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How to place AI in all floors on a house?

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Hey fellaz, I would just like to know how I would go about putting AI on different floors in a house?

I already know about the house patrol script, but all I want is for the AI to look at the windows and to ambush the US.

Cheers :yay:

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Heres one way:

You could set a waypoint over the building. there is a waypoint option for int building location. (# of available int locations depends on the building.) It should take the ai to the location you want.

May take lots of trial and error for your desired results

it sometimes works best to place the ai one by one and place them where you want....trial and error style

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I am currently amking a mission at the factory where units fight it out on all floors, sort of like house to house combat only in the one building. I've found that using the setpos command on units (meaning they start off inside the house) causes them to be a slight bit off the ground and occasionaly causes them to die. You best bet (if there is enough time) is to place a gamelogic over the house, call it house1 (for example). Then in the gamelogics init field type in: h1 = nearestbuilding this

Now place a few units around the building and find out how many buildingpositions there are available in the building. (note that the last building position may not be enterable so test this out). Then in the units init field type in either unit commandmove (h1 buildingpos 1,2,3,ect...) or unit domove (h1 buildingpos 1,2,3,ect...)

this will cause them to move to that location. You may want to create a trigger or sqs file that waits a few seconds then uses the dowatch command to have units focus their sights out of the windows.

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