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Cant seem to join most of the online servers i use too.

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Hi,owned arma 2 since USA release and have the Steam version of game.Ive install the game 4-5 times with new formated harddrives and fresh operation system threw out the months sience game release and had no problems.Have Windows7 now installed and has been running great since windows 7 lauch.I dont install any mods because i dont know how too and if mods work with steam version.I have 2 installed farely fresh hard drives with OS and arma2 installed on both.I noticed last week on my game/OS windows7 system harddrive i use just for gaming i can only join a few of the reg. servers i play online.And now basicly 1 or 2 servers i can only join now.I tried my other hard drive with fresh OS/Arma 2 installed and everything worked.But slowly the servers i could join iam down to 1 or 2 servers again.I get a message as iam joining a server: my Player has Modded content-CA something like that.Then other message line says u can not Edited/delete exec.exec. files missing Ace...this and that and then boots me back to lobby.Are servers using a beta patch or Mod i need to install to play on serrvers?Only 2 out of 10 servers i use to be able to play on i no longer can.All have same exacted message.And i do not Mod any of my arma 2 files.Whats up?

Edited by Eotore

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A lot of servers (a majority maybe?) are running ACE2 mod now. This could be related.

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