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What do i need to get the Carmodul working in my Map?

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Hi Folks!

just got a new problem with my Map.

How can i get that Random Car Spawn Modul working with my Map?

Do i need some special Keypoints for that?



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C'mon somebody must know :/

If you need more info, i just have keypoints that put the Citynames on the Map and only Buildings that are accesable. What tells the game to spawn those cars in the citys??

Example Line of Names.hpp

class Villa_Bacho1


name="Villa Bacho";






Do i need to put something in there? Or some kind of second Marker??? Or is the Module attached to somekind of Ids? building types etc? if yes how can i bypass that?

please help :/

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The JTD Ambient Civilian Traffic addon??

You need to add civ-spawning capability to your island first - that's dependent on a few things like extra config entries and appropriate buildings on your map from which the Civs can spawn...

I got it working OK with CAA1 and my own user island... best start by reading This Post plus the next few pages of that thread - should get you started at least...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Well i finally made it, the Solution is pretty simple.

Just create a keypoint and call the type "Citycenter"

Example of my .hpp:

class CityCenter1








Just put this inside a town and voila! You get Random Cars spawned when using the Silvie Module of Arma 2.

Hope this helps some People.



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As we are talking about the keypoints.... has anyone an idea about what each keypointclass is used for? If you have a look in the chernarus config there are many keypoints of which i don´t know what they are good for.

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Good point Beton...

Some seem purely related to adding map symbols and names to the map view - tho they may also have an underlying purpose, and some seem vital to ALICE/Warfare functions...

Hill = map symbol? (+ Warfare?)

BorderCrossing = Warfare related?

VegetationBroadleaf = map tree symbol

VegetationFir = map tree symbol

VegetationPalm = map tree symbol

VegetationVineyard = map symbol

Name = map name

NameMarine = map name

NameCityCapital = map name

NameCity = map name

NameVillage = map name

NameLocal = map name

RockArea = map symbol (+ Warfare?)

ViewPoint = map symbol

CityCenter = ALICE

FlatArea = Warfare?

Thats my best guesses so far.....

I'm sure IceBreakr said he'd made Duala "Warfare-enabled" (though to be honest I've never played Warfare, so I dunno what that means) - presumably he used "flat areas" etc... maybe he'll post and add his thoughts on the matter... I'm probably wrong on several of the above.....

P.S.... while searching for info in the "mission scripting" section I found myself re-explaining some ALICE config entrys again... worth a glance over I guess... - it mentions "neighbors"...


Edited by Bushlurker

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... and there are also:

FlatAreaCitySmall = ?

StrongpointArea = ?

What does the "neighbours" stand for and the angle ?

Well i´m going oftopic i think.

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Maybe that neighbours is some kind of help for the AI? Like driving stuff or something like that. I dont know if CityCenter is for ALICE, but its for sure needed for SILVIE.

I think to get ALICE working you need to add that demography stuff to the Town config. So it knows what kind of Peoples to spawn...


I think that Strongpoint Area is definitly for Warfare. Ive seen it in Utes and Chernaruss config files. They seem to be on the exact Positions where the Strongpoints are from the BIS CTI's. I would say they are for automatic strongpoint placement so mission makers dont need to put them manually into their Mission.. But maybe im wrong....

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