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Who here is tired of your team shooting at empty vehicles?

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I don't know about you, but I'm tired of watching my guys prioritize empty soviet vehicles and blow all their ammo on them, many times shooting straight over them anyway. THis happens with the M2 machinegun ALOT!. Also happens with the UAZ and Urals.

Our missions are being ruined by this stupid AI behavior. I've had to use a trigger that destroys vehicles just to keep my AI teammates from blowing all their ammo on them instead of moving on and ignoring an obviously abandonded vehicle.

So put a post here telling BIS that enough is enough!

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Well I'd like to see an end to this myself but the AI is far from "stupid". The AI in OFP is far more advanced than any other game I have ever played.

Tell me of another game(s) that will,

1: Call in support.

2: Will flank your a*ss.

3: Run away when they know they've had enough.


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I seem to recall reading somewhere that this was one of the bug fixes included in V1.30. Are you running into this problem with V1.30 or an earlier version?

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How bout posting here if you'd had enough of useless b*tching? If you hate the game that much, quit playing! Bring up legitimate concerns that will improve the game, not some foggy idea like "the AI is stupid."

I'll have to agree with MP that the AI is outstanding in this game.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from OBiJuan on 7:25 am on Nov. 22, 2001

How bout posting here if you'd had enough of useless b*tching?  If you hate the game that much, quit playing!  Bring up legitimate concerns that will improve the game, not some foggy idea like "the AI is stupid."

I'll have to agree with MP that the AI is outstanding in this game.<span id='postcolor'>

Wow, what an entrance! Welcome to the OFP community! :biggrin:

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LOL - thanks.  Been trolling for a while... smile.gif

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I for one am sick of people simply saying that OFP is good, and they love it.  Do you wankers really think that people who make suggestions for possible future changes hate OFP?  People who ask for changes for legit parts of the game are doing more in thier effort than the _Whiners_ who complain about people who report problems and also, request improvements.

In my reality the real whiners are the idiots who attack people who want to help the game rise to better levels.

And this thread? If you are'nt going to agree with the report by Devilchaser that states factual data, then do not reply at all...simple yeah.  Altering the ai shooting enemy empties problem (not bug) will improve the game.

(Edited by fixOPFsoundsplease at 4:00 am on Nov. 22, 2001)

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I don't like how the AI can use their psychic powers to determine that one of their own vehicles is being operated by the enemy and hence they open fire. d*amned Xray vision. You ought to be able to drive right around them until challenged on the radio or at a blockade. d*amn I hate that

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from fixOPFsoundsplease on 3:58 am on Nov. 22, 2001


I for one am sick of people simply saying that OFP is good, and they love it.  Do you wankers really think that people who make suggestions for possible future changes hate OFP?  People who ask for changes for legit parts of the game are doing more in thier effort than the _Whiners_ who complain about people who report problems and also, request improvements.

In my reality the real whiners are the idiots who attack people who want to help the game rise to better levels.

And this thread? If you are'nt going to agree with the report by Devilchaser that states factual data, then do not reply at all...simple yeah.  Altering the ai shooting enemy empties problem (not bug) will improve the game.

(Edited by fixOPFsoundsplease at 4:00 am on Nov. 22, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>

Hear hear! The game isnt going to fix itself without suggestions!

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YOu are right on the money guys. Looks like Obi Wannabe has issues to me. This isn't a thread about "the AI is stupid" if that was the case I would have just posted one sentence eh? It's about a legitimate concern that really fouls up gameplay. People like him are just fouling up our attempts to bring OPF issues to BIS's attention. DO us all a favor and keep your insults off the forums.

By the way, please click on the below link. It will take you to my thread that has example missions I made for showing many of the current OPF bugs / glitches. See it for yourself.


(Edited by Devilchaser at 3:31 pm on Nov. 24, 2001)

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I don't think shooting at empty tanks and such is really a problem. In real life you wouldn't know if it was empty or not anyways. That was probably a fix to the complaint that they automatically know if a vehicle is friendly or not. I agree that they should give priority to tanks that are shooting back, which they dont always do, but they are probably still working things like that out.

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you actually can tell if a tank is occupied or not in a couple of ways. one look at the exhaust pipe is smoking it will be if there is someone in it. the other i have found is

if you watch a turret it will turn as they scan the area. the other thing is if you are playing as an officer you should be giving orders to not fire until its time or giving your men targets remeber its a team and its up to you as a leader to command your team , not just try to make all the kills yourself. if your playing as grunt and the just fire at will then yeah that needs to be fixed the officer ai should be tweaked to prevent giving position away by making contact too early.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from unholy chosen one on 2:43 am on Nov. 25, 2001

you actually can tell if a tank is occupied or not in a couple of ways. one look at the exhaust pipe is smoking it will be if there is someone in it. the other i have found is

if you watch a turret it will turn as they scan the area. the other thing is if you are playing as an officer you should be giving orders to not fire until its time or giving your men targets remeber its a team and its up to you as a leader to command your team , not just try to make all the kills yourself. if your playing as grunt and the just  fire at will then yeah that needs to be fixed the officer ai should be tweaked to prevent giving position away by making contact too early.<span id='postcolor'>

In MP games, I sometimes hide in tanks or APCs with the engine off back at base. That way, when the enemy approaches, they don't know that a particular vehicle is a threat, and when they get ready to use an AT weapon or steal the flag, I mow them down with machine-gun fire or a HEAT round.

The moral of the story is: don't assume that a vehicle is unoccupied just because you don't see exhaust fumes, ESPECIALLY in MP games.

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