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Artillery units moved against my will

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I got artillery to work thanks to forums and U-Tube. But heres my problem:

I make the modules and triggers and place my artillery units. Then I go to preview: My artillery units have been moved.. sometimes all stacked together, other times in a line or even grouped in twos...

My question: is there a way I can lock them in the original position i placed them in?

The steps I used to make my artillery units: ( I take no credit for these, I copied them off of you tube and forums here..)

1.) made player

2.) made module: secop manager

named it: som1

in int field: this setVariable ["settings",[[], true, nil, nil, false]];

(the above line stops secops from making random missions)

3) synchronised player to module

4.) made 1st trigger:

in activation: game logic

countdown: min=1 mid=1 max=1 (why?)

in condition: som1 getVariable "initdone"

on act: [["artillery_barrage"], player,[[RIPPER, [1,7,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

5.) made 2cd trigger:

in activation: Radio Alpha

in text: +1 Artillery Barrage SecOp

on act: (same as act of 1st trigger [["artillery_ ...)

6.) made artillery units (4 mortars) rank corporal (why? video suggestion)

grouped artillery units (1 leader 3 followers)

7.) made 2cd module: Artillery

named: RIPPER

8.) synchronised module to 1st artillery unit


all works well.. I can fire my artillery but in preview, the computer places the artillery units as it see fit.. I do not understand its placement method..

thank you in advanced for any help.

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hmm... If I had to guess, I would imagine the mortars are still set on "In Formation". Double click on each one, select that box, and change it to "none". They should stay where you placed them.

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OMG..... indeed correct.... heads wrapped up in some much script i do not understand and i miss the formation selection.... thanks.

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