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Strange Bug with Action Menu Selection

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Fun game. Right now trying to complete badlands.

I have had a strange bug pop up from time to time since the beginning. I don't recall seeing anyone here discussing it so I thought I would bring it up myself. Occasionally (usually just when a mission is getting hot) when I press the action button for my players actions (such as gear, enter vehicle, change weapons or seats) I can't scroll to the other options below the top choice. I can select the top one however. I usually have to quite the game entirely for the bug to go away. I have my third mouse button setup as follows: Push down the third mouse wheel will open the action menu then scrolling the mouse wheel up or down highlights different action options. I can then select an option with the third mouse wheel or primary mouse button.

The strange thing is, the similar action menu works when selecting squads/team members with the keyboard. The mouse wheel never has a problem scrolling through their options.

Any ideas?

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Can't say I've heard of that one so I assume its to do with your key assignments.

You shouldn't have to press wheel button to bring up the action menu. It should come up just by rolling the wheel.

Its annoying but I'd suggest to reset key bindings to default and go from there.

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Hmm, I'll check. I have a Nostroma Game Pad and between that and my keboard I probably changed 90% of the default key bindings. But I thought pushing the third mouse wheel is what you used to bring up the action menu. Just curious, what do you have your third mouse direct push button for? I have a logitech gaming mouse and couldn't even bind my two side buttons. First game I had that I couldn't use them.

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I have default setting for third mouse button (wheel) which is perform action.

So I just roll the wheel to bring up the menu and select an action then press to activate.

I don't know why it doesn't recognise your other mouse buttons tho.

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