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Change the appearance of red harvest squad members?

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Are there any mods that do this? I'd like to have equipment like saber team instead of razor team, or be able to design my own.

Speaking of which, is there a way to easily look at all the different models for the game?

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What you need is a REPLACEMENT that replaces exactlly that razor units. It can be made with any units, but you have to know how to write a replacement config/addon.

Ask in the ADDON DISCUSSION section under: ADDON REQUESTS.

Maybe someone has done it or might do it just for you. ;)

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Are there any mods that do this? I'd like to have equipment like saber team instead of razor team, or be able to design my own.

Speaking of which, is there a way to easily look at all the different models for the game?

If you want to look at all the models in the game, Armaholic has a nice class reference (from ARMAtech i think). It has the classnames of all the different character models in the game if thats what you were looking for.

Class/model Library

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