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Dialog with a Rotating Control

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This is a request for the devs to put in a rotating dialog control.

why? because we need it :)

i many times wanted to animate something on the screen with rotation.

but as far as i know, that is not possible now without making a mod using a p3d file. "like the compass"

which is not what we need.

we need something simple. something we can put in description.ext.

nowadays its modes me here and there. no fun loading up 100's of modes. :(

something like this would be good enough in my opinion:

a new control type would be needed in this request.

CT_ROTATION = Number you dev's define.

also 3 styles to be used with it




a picture speaks more than a 1000 words..

so i made a small drawing what i mean..


so a example code could look like this for the left bottom pic

class MyDialog
idd = -1;
moving = false;
movingEnable = false;
movingEnabled = false;
onLoad="uiNamespace setVariable ['MyTest_Display', _this select 0]";
controlsBackground[ ]={};
objects[ ]={ };
controls[ ]={My_RotatingPic}

class My_RotatingPic
	idc = 10101;
	[b]type = CT_ROTATION;
	style = ST_LEFT;[/b]
	colorText[ ]={0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5};
	colorBackground[ ]={0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5};
	x = 0.5;
	y = 0.5;
	w = 0.25;
	h = 0.25;
	[b]rotation = 45; set in degree[/b]
	text = "path/to/pic.paa";

so to set rotation we then need a command to do it.. example

controlName ctrlSetRotation Degree;

to find the rotation we could do ctrlRotation controlName

if you would be so kind adding in this it would be awsome.

it open up alot of possibilities when it comes to making cool dialogs.

example. a custom compass could be made without the need of a addon

spinning text for intros.

spinning progress bar's

list goes on..

i also think other dialog makers would appreciate this

Edited by nuxil

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