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CanArmaGroup-Canadian MilSim Group being established.

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With so many Arma2 groups currently active and many more starting up; CAG wants to offer potential members something different. After a great deal of research into other existing Arma2 groups; the result was the decision to make the following 4 elements the mainstay of CanArmaGroup:

1. DYNAMIC CAMPAIGNS - this means that any given mission we conduct will have an influence on the next mission. Each mission will have an influence on the progression of the bigger picture: the campaign. If we successfully take the airfield then subsequent missions may originate from that airfield, if we fail then we withdraw, re-enforce and try again. In depth planning and competent leadership will be crucial to ensure success. These campaigns will be challenging and the weak of heart need not apply.

2. INTER-ARMA GROUP COOPERATION – instead of attempting to defeat the enemy ourselves we may invite other, respected, Arma2 groups to assist us. This may be through invitation to fill available slots on our server during our sessions or assigning select missions to the other group to conduct on their own servers. Note that this is not an open invite to one and all (as is currently the case in many of the Arma2 groups that advertise “campaignsâ€) rather it is CAG inviting groups we trust and have built a strong relationship with.

3. MULTI NATIONAL UNITS - CAG recognizes that many Arma2 gamers would like to fight while wearing the uniform of their home country. Thanks to the many mods and add-ons available we can offer that option. CAG includes U.S. Army, British Army, and Canadian Army tactical units; both infantry and armour. As we grow, we will introduce others such as Australian and Dutch units. We are currently setting up or looking into the inclusion of game servers in Europe to alleviate time zones and ping levels.

4. COMMUNITY – as important as the actual gaming is; just as important, or maybe even more so, is the forming of a strong gaming community. We want members to feel they are part of a very special group. Showing up and playing then disappearing until next session is not good. Members are expected to contribute, in some way, outside of the actual gaming sessions. Through the use of such communication tools as TeamSpeak and IRC we want members to actually get to know each other. And in doing so contribute to making CAG one of the best and most respected groups around.

With all this being said what type of person are we looking for? We are looking for people who demonstrate the following:

1. Maturity – This does not refer to age but to attitude. We are more than happy to accept a 15 year old the same as a 30 year old as long as they have what it takes to contribute to the group. Maturity, in this instance, is about acceptance of other ideas, ability to listen and learn, ability to follow orders/directions without question, meaningful contribution to the community, and supportive of his/her fellow members.

2. Reliable – Obviously, no tactical session will be very good if the majority of members don’t show up. We don’t want someone who is all gung-ho about being part of the group but then is never available to participate in the gaming sessions. This does not mean we expect every person to be at every session; however, a good attendance in the 75% range would be desired.

3. Teamwork – Rambo need not apply. If you are not all in on being part of a team then please go elsewhere. CAG use military tactics and procedure which need teamwork to be successful. There are times when our members are asked to do something or take a game slot that perhaps they are not too excited about. We want members who will see this as a challenge rather than a burden.

4. Community Participation – CAG is not just about the game. It is about community. Being part of that community and contributing to its success is very important. There will be times when the members are asked for their opinion of something or maybe asked to submit an idea to the forums. Doing this is one way to make our group better. A form of chat room will be used as a constant communication medium for our members to interact and get to know each other. The forums will have several topics where members can add their comments, etc. By reading these forums and chatting members will stay up to date on any changes to things such as passwords, Arma2 mods we adopt, procedures, session announcements, campaign updates, etc.

Do you fill the requirements? Can CAG offer the experience you are looking for? If so then visit www.canarmagroup.com there you will find information on joining CAG.

Edited by squishall
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