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4 sides fighting with each other

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I have a problem.

I`m trying to make a battle where 4 sides fight with each other:

West against east, west against resistance, east against resistance and everyone aswell against civilians, and civilians fighting against everyone else aswell.

So the typical solution for making someone shoot civilian is merge the civilian with a west or east leader. But in this case, it won`t work. I need all 3 sides to be against the civilian forced, and in the same time the civilians must shoot at all 3 sides aswell.

I`ve tried dotarget and dofire commands for civilians so they target and shoot and the ressitance, which is the only group I can`t seem to make them shoot at at any cost.

So any ideas and solutions to make civilians no-ones friend - shoot at all 3 groups.

The main idea is that civilians are as terrorists and those 3 sides each try to take them out and in the meantime fighting each other. It`s quite complex plan, so I expect a complex solution.

Waiting for responses.

Oh, and no "use search funtion" replies. I`ve been searching for a while and the solutions I`ve found work for civilians being 1 sides friend, I need civilians literally no-ones friend

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As far as I know, it's not really possible in a flexible way. BIS added a scripting command in ArmA which would make it possible, but unfortunally it's not implemented in OFP.

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Sounds bad. Well what`s the best way to at least make the civilians shoot ressistance at the first sight. They shoot west and east, but do not at resistance, that`s the prob. I don`t have neither lot of civils nor resistance, so is there a way to script each one of the civils to aim and shoot at the resistance.

I did the dofire and dotarget, but the reaction is too slow. They fire only when the resistance man is relly close, not on the first sight...


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I think that's about their skill. Try increasing their skill by moving the skill slider to far right in the unit settings, or use the setSkill command.

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A new qestion came up.

Is there a way to make a man not to shoot a certain unit. Like shoot at all enemies, except this specific one. Like there is this dofire command, is there soemthing opposite to that.

And another one - In multiplayer is it`s possible to create a game on rounds, like when you finish the certain task the round is over. And another round comes in - start from the same positions etc, the winer of previous round just has this 1 point or whatever.

Thnaks anyway for help

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I take it as a no to my main question of asking a man not to shoot at a specific man. Allright. Thanks for the previous help then.

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Well a Solution may be to have triggers detect when two sides are next too each other.

then detect which one is civillian - then switch side to west or east by joining leader of east group / or join east group. Then when condition for trigger deactivates - swaps unit back to Civilian side. You never described how/what your mission would work.

Could even do this with script - ?civ distance westsoldier <=100:[civ] join groupeast.

If you know scripting at all create a function with nested loops to compare conditions to get appropriate desired effects...

Is there a way to make a man not to shoot a certain unit. Like shoot at all enemies, except this specific one. Like there is this dofire command, is there soemthing opposite to that.

soldier1 setCaptive true

Mark unit as captive.

If unit is vehicle, commander is marked.

Captive is neutral to everyone.

Note: This function does not remove unit's weapons.

Note: If you make a unit captive, that unit will still fire on the enemy, but the enemy will not fire back

Try playing around with this:

player addRating 1000

Add number to unit rating.

This is usually used to reward for completed mission objectives.

Rating for killed enemies and killed friendlies is adjusted automatically.

When rating is lower than zero, unit is consider "renegade" and is enemy to everyone.

Also: knowsAbout

Checks whether the side knows about the target (and how much).

east knowsAbout jeepOne --> can help with trigger condition

With Resistance (1.91):

No matter what class of unit the target is and no matter what the skill/class of the enemy AI, the magic 'knowsAbout' number is 0.105.

What this means is, the AI will not fire on an enemy soldier until his 'knowsAbout' level of that enemy has reached the 'magic number' or higher.

This suggests that the knowsabout level must reach the magic threshold before a unit knows if another unit is an enemy or friendly unit.

Triggers and knowsabout level:

"Detected by xxx" triggers also follow the above rules.

For a detected trigger to be set off, the knowsAbout level must reach the magic number.

Also: Reveal

Reveal unit to group, not caring if it can know about it or not.

Confirmed: in OFP, the reveal command will set knowsAbout to 1 for targets which have not been spotted/reported by any units of the same side. The effect is that units turn to face the direction of the revealed target, but do nothing more.

Reveal will increase knowsabout relative to how much is known about the target unit by any units of the reporting group's side.

Also give binoculars to units - speeds up sighting...

All are excerpts from: OFPEC click on link for more resources...


And another one - In multiplayer is it`s possible to create a game on rounds, like when you finish the certain task the round is over. And another round comes in - start from the same positions etc, the winer of previous round just has this 1 point or whatever.

Yes it is possible but requires intermediate to expertise in scripting skills/understanding scripting.

Edited by WW2Weasel
additional info

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