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How to Change an AI/NPC name?

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Currently I'm making a mission (co-op) and I want a certain AI to be named for example, Dimitri. But when I come near that AI (and start a conversation), I noticed that his name is Fedor Nohavica or something else. So my question is simple:

- How can I chance an AI/NPC/player name?

Thanks in advance for replies...

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this setIdentity "name_surname";

in its Init field. I was clued into this a week ago, wanted to do the exact same thing.

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First of all, thanks for the reply Swiftyboy, but unfortunally it's not working for me :(

In the init field of the AI, I put this:

this setIdentity "Dimitri_Levchenko";

And I even tried to put:

this setIdentity "Dimitri Levchenko";

But no matter what, that AI is always named "Fedor Nohavica".

Is there anything else that I can do to solve this one?

I would appreciate further help on this subject...

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Sorry ricnunes, you only got half the answer from me, I forgot about the description.ext which setIdentity goes looking for when you put it in the Init line.

So basically it's a three-part process - create the description.ext in your mission folder, define the name a la deadfast's example in the Wiki, and then use setIdentity "whatever_nameyoudefined"; in the Init box of the unit.

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Yes, that the trick! Thanks very much for the reply Deadfast and SwiftyBoy! :yay:

I just wonder why BIS complicates so much things that should be so simple (afterall, all I wanted was to rename a soldier). :j:

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Sorry ricnunes, you only got half the answer from me, I forgot about the description.ext which setIdentity goes looking for when you put it in the Init line.

So basically it's a three-part process - create the description.ext in your mission folder, define the name a la deadfast's example in the Wiki, and then use setIdentity "whatever_nameyoudefined"; in the Init box of the unit.

I did exactly like this! I have a major problem. Either ArmA 2 does not like me or I am not doing this correctly like I think I was. I have a path directory where my Colemania folder goes under Documents\ArmA 2\User Mission\. I created a mission called Cole_Test for the purpose of testing out various things to understand mission design. I have created a description.ext file where I have coded and saved in the Colemania folder. When I log onto the ArmA 2 Editor, I have a Western Functionary (Chernarussian) standing in front of me. I named him potroc, typed in the initialization field: this setIdentity "Hunter_Coleman";

Here's my complete code for the CfgIdentities:

class CfgIdentities
// Republic of Colemania
class Hunter_Coleman // President of the Republic of Colemania
	name="Hunter Tipton XII Coleman";
class Holson_Coleman // Main Character Thread #1
	name="Holson Coleman"
class Jana_Soderbosch // Main Character, Thread #3
	name="Jana Soderbosch";

// Federated Republics of Ekhrenia
class Ilya_Borissovich // Main Character, Thread #4
	name="Ilya Borissovich";
class The_Mortician// Ekhrenian assassin of Residency X, Thread #5
	name="The Mortician";

// Republic of Chernaskriya
class Andreiy_Krubachov // Police Officer, Thread #2
	name="Andreiy Krubachov";


I hope that someone here will tell me exactly what I did wrong or why my ArmA Editor won't display that Functionary's name as Hunter Coleman. His actual name in game is Vadim Kropacek, which I necessarily do not want! What did I exactly do wrong? Why does the ArmA 2 Editor not display the name, face, and options that I've laid out for a specific character? Anyone?

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I am having the same issue. Below is what I am doing.

Game Version: Arma 2 OA with ACE

Unit Type: US Army "Grenadier"

In the INIT of the unit I've placed:

this setIdentity "John_Buckman";

In the description.ext file for the mission I've placed:

class CfgIdentities
class John_Buckman
	name="John Buckman";

For some reason it's still not working. This so far is the only thread I've found on this topic. Please advise.

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I am having the same issue. Below is what I am doing.

Game Version: Arma 2 OA with ACE

Unit Type: US Army "Grenadier"

In the INIT of the unit I've placed:

this setIdentity "John_Buckman";

In the description.ext file for the mission I've placed:

class CfgIdentities
class John_Buckman
	name="John Buckman";

For some reason it's still not working. This so far is the only thread I've found on this topic. Please advise.

That should work.

Remember, changes to description.ext is only read by the game when loading/saving your mission. So after you've made a change, remember to save, before you preview.

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Put unit in editor and in line Name write for example: unit1

In init write:

unit1 setidentity "John_Buckman"

Edited by tom3kb

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tom3kb and MulleDK19

thank you both for your replies. I did not know that little tidbit about the description.ext file only being read in that fashion. After making the changes to the unit's init, and the descriptions.ext file, I saved the mission, reloaded it, previewed, and now it is working.

Thank you gentlemen for your support.

Semper Fidelis

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Put unit in editor and in line Name write for example: unit1

In init write:

unit1 setidentity "John_Buckman"

Thank you for that! That gave me something to truly work with. I decided to go by class names as one singular word with an unit name functioning the same way. What I noticed was, if you forget to use the quotations between the classname after setIdentity, it won't work!

I finally put in the init line as: Firebird setIdentity "Firebird". It finally REMOVED Vadim Kropacek's name and showed the real name I wanted! :)

For future reference, do not type without the quotations: (unit's name) setIdentity "(classname)"

Ex: Spartan setIdentity "John_Spartan"

Spartan being the unit's name in the editor, and John_Spartan as the classname in the description.ext file.

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