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Chopper wpts stops work after contact made.

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I have the following mission setup:

* BluFOR AAVP being "in action" with enemy ground troops. Hence it should not be set captive.

* RedFOR MI17 Transport choppers delivering reinforcements. "Careless" and "never fire" modes used.

Once the MI17 spots the AAVP, it will break out of it's waypoints, mostly just sitting there hiding. After a long while (knowsAbout faded away?) it will reattempt, only to spot the AAVP and go hiding again. The MI is set captive (simulating out of reach), not that I think that should matter.

I was under the impression that Careless mode would do anything the waypoints ordered it to, so that we could "ignore battlefield responses" and have some "scripted movement" going on. What is going on here?

Since it is a non NVG night mission, I'm mainly after using the sound as clues as to what is going on, so guess I could use a civilian chopper (which doesn't suffer from this), but still. This is on beta build 60309.

Edit: New waypoint problem with air units:

So I want this C130 to make a drop sometime during the mission. For testing, I have it on "standby" flying a cycle of waypoints. All well. But when I trigger it (radio switch trigger) to start doing a final loop then head toward the dropoff point, it continues to the last waypoint instead. With shown waypoints, the X's and O's appear to be marked correctly after the switch, but the plane will completely ignore it. When we get to the final waypoint, we will circle it instead of moving to what is shown in the HUD.

Are editor placed waypoints completely and utterly broken for some unit classes?

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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I'm having a similar problem with choppers not dropping off troops as soon as they spot the enemy or take fire.

I'd like to hear an answer to this too.

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