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AI FAC for player pilot.

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Noticed that when I was 2nd in command in a group of Harriers, and my leader got shot down, while he was on the ground he was very effective at calling in strikes on groups of troops that are too hard to spot from the air.

I was thinking I would have a mission where I fly to a waypoint where I join a group that's on the ground, maybe 2 AI FACs. They would not engage enemies, but would stay put and call out targets for my Mk82's.

I know how to set up the join x, but how do I keep them from fighting/moving while telling me to rain death from above?

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I figured it out. Too simple. Even if your man on the ground is set on hold fire, he will still give you targets. Also, if you have AI planes in the group, they will still fire even if leader is on hold fire. Who'ld 'ov thunk it?

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