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Triggering a trigger. Does not work in Arma 2?

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In OFP you can trigger a trigger (I found this in OFP editing faq)

Triggering a Trigger:

Trigger 1
On activation : A1 = true

Trigger 2
Condition: A1
On Activation : what you want. 

Sorry it worked. My fail.

Edited by Joona

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In OFP you can trigger a trigger (I found this in OFP editing faq)

Triggering a Trigger:

Trigger 1
On activation : A1 = true

Trigger 2
Condition: A1
On Activation : what you want. 

This does not work in Arma 2, but it works in OFP.:(

How can I get it work in Arma 2 or is there any chance to get it work.

If not I hope there is some kind of script what works the same way or like it.:)

weird..try with condition this AND A1

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Works fine for me.

Remember to make trigger 2 activation by "NONE" and 0x0 in size.

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Is there a way to get this to work with radios?

I want the second trigger to be a radio activation, but whenever I place a radio trigger, it is available from the start and even gives the player a radio if he lacks one (really annoying).

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You could either create the radio trigger on the fly when you need it or use setRadioMsg to not display the text till you're ready.

For example, in your player init or somewhere put:

2 setRadioMsg "NULL";

then have a trigger with this onAct:

2 setRadioMsg "Activate Thunderthighs";

WIll enable Radio Bravo when activated and the Radio option would read "Activate Thunderthighs". The radio on the map will display, even if you've removed the actual itemRadio from the unit. It just won't be clickable till you give it a different message.

Edited by kylania

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Yeah, I came across setRadioMsg. But I don't know where to put the Null disabling text.

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I just edited my earlier post with an example that should help. :)

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Thanks. I thought I was supposed to write Alpha and Bravo instead of integers.

Edit: What's the best way to check if all tasks have been completed in a condition field of a trigger?

Edited by maturin

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Here's a real quick example of using a trigger (attached to a guard) to activate a radio trigger option.

You'd use taskState to check if a task has been completed, assuming you properly used setTaskState to complete it. :)

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Now what if I want to enable an area trigger?

The situation is that I want an escape route (area Endmission trigger) to be available once a battle has begun.

I've been using a workaround where one trigger kills an empty bicycle, and the second trigger relies on !alive bicycle. I would like to know how to do it 'algebraically,' however, if only to use less resources and prevent someone from shooting the bike.

Edited by maturin

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Just have:

triggerActivated triggerNameThatStartsTheBattle && this

as the condition for the endmission one. That way if they stumble into the area it won't trigger till the battle trigger has already gone off.

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a1 == true

(= sets the Variable to whatever you want.. Boolean.. Number.. String)

(== means - If variable is Equal to Boolean.. Number.. String)

should work..

edit: oops just noticed your first post. You got it to work. Gratz =)

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