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Squad XML crashes people to desktop?

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Having a bit of trouble with vehicles. On 1-2 vehicles, the squad XML works fine. However, when there is about 3 or more vehicles in your view, you CTD with no error message. It also isn't the same for everyone. Sometimes person A will crash, and sometimes they won't, person B will crash instead. This has happened to multiple people. As soon as you take the XML off, everything works fine.

This is the same XML we've used in ARMA I and it worked fine. Has anyone else run across this problem and been able to fix it? :)

Searched these forums but haven't come across a solution as of yet.

Edited by Blade89

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There was an issue for some ATI cards and ArmA 1, that would cause people to CTD: Having a texture referenced in the squad.xml that wasn't dimensioned as powers of 2 (e.g. not 256x256 or 1024x256) would cause crashes. So perhaps if you changed the texture, that could be the cause.

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Remember with Arma 1 a Team ran there XML with wrong dimensions causing all ATI Players to CTD, when we looked at the ingame logo.

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Have you converted it to .paa with the latest bitools 2 ? i heard that arma 1 and arma 2 .paa file format is different (not sure about this).

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Snakedoc - no, didn't even cross my mind. At this point it is definitely worth a shot, as it is consistently crashing our members out of the game. I'll give it a try tomorrow. I posted in another thread about actually creating the .paa see here which is something else I'm having no luck with. I suppose that could be related to the new bitools. maybe.

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Ä°f you wish send the picture to me.i can do it for you.Save image as.tga in photoshop,with alpha transparency and then save as .paa in textview.As my experience arma 1's .paa's crashes new textview some times (if you are trying .paa to .paa)

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