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still confused, with coms

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Ok, here's what I can't understand.

I'm playing. A coop game, all around me I hear peps, on there radio giveing there current location, then I hear peps saying , what is your location, but try as I might

I don't no how, to reply back,

can sombody tell what key buttons I need to press plz

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There is no way to report your location via radio, but you can use the chat. If you look your location from the map.

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There is no way to report your location via radio, but you can use the chat. If you look your location from the map.

So tell me, what is all the chatter I hear , like, when you hear someone say (I'm at grid) bla bla bla

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That only happens when you respawn, I would guess that it is there, so your commander/group leader knows that you have respawned, without you telling them.

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FYI when an AI soldier asks you "what is your location", you just ignore that. It only means he is far from you. I really dont know why but you cant tell them the phrase "Im at grid xxyyzz" the AI commander gives you, when you as him. Just tell them to return to formation or move somewhere and they will eventually shut up :)

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