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Late Noob needs help with muti mission arrays

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I just started editing OFP, It all started when I was wasting 60$ on OFP2 and said screw this Im gonna Play OFP. I have ECP(mod) and resistance.

Here is what I want to do: I want player unit and squad and what ever vehicles (whole group) that enter a trigger to be saved, the mission(a) saved, a saved mission(b) to open, minus briefing, Mission(b) init will find saved units, placing them in game to a set/ getpos (but I want to import altitude and flip azimut). Thats the highest wall for me. I will make it so you you can go back and forth, each time calling up a new user save game for each map. I will take variables with me (keys) to unlock triggers and stuff like Fallout3. So, Player and squad are in a chopper going to the north edge Everon map, the screen blacks out, text somthing clever, , load screen, black in , Volia! like you flew to the next island, you can see Novagrod in the distance, in game with all the same conditions. You land, do somting that will change a variable, get back in the chopper,(-minus one squad member) fly to the southern edge of Novgrod(mission b), and next thing, you are back in Everon (saved mission a) with a new variable key, but minus one squad member. The init will have to favor the squad capture of common save file.

I just need a few suggestions to prime the pump, a little help from pros. I know its lofty, but I'm sure I can do it. Thanx all.

---------- Post added at 02:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 AM ----------

I need to know what is the best mean to capture a group, save it, and create it in a saved game getting rid of the old group, and inserting the new one.

Edited by thesneak

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