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AI Vehicle stopping without reason

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I'm currently trying to solve a problem I don't have the slightest idea why it happens. Here's the situation:

I have a civilian AI bus drive along the road. When the player is within a trigger, it stops to pick him up. At the next bus stop, the bus halts to drop off a passenger. Then the bus continues, but around half-way to the next waypoint, it stops.

The setup is as follows: The waypoint at the bus stop (where the passenger is supposed to get out) is synchronized with a trigger that has nothing but the following in its "condition" field:

not (civilWoman1 in civilBus)

I.e. as long as civilWoman1 is still in the bus, it won't continue.

There is another trigger for civilians present that has "civilBus in thisList" in its condition field and "doGetOut civilWoman1" in the On Activate field. This all works, the woman gets out and the bus continues; however, it just stops on the open road without any apparent reason around 15 to 20 seconds after that.

At first I thought it might be a problem with the specific road, so I moved it all to a different location, but the same issue occurs.

The queer part is that if I use a radio trigger instead of the "not (civilWoman1 in civilBus)" trigger, it works and the bus continues until the player can get out.

Did anybody ever see anything similar? If yes, any idea how to fix it?

Any help appreciated.

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