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Of helping to correct my mission

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yes grimfist

can you correcttly plz I do not work brienfing and init

thanks grimfist

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Why did you wrote the extensions twice? Im guessing you have set windows to hide extensions.

Anyway, here are the codes corrected:


// begin init.sqf

// Add brienfing
execVM "briefing.sqf";

if(true) exitwith () ;

//end of init.sqf

*Typos fixed here ("exec" instead of "exe" and "briefing.sqf" instead of "brienfing"


player createDiaryrecord ["Diary". ["TITLE HERE". "Destroy the Tunguska. You Have a Javelin. The blackhawk will unlock when the
Tunguska is taken out. The game will end when Objective one completed."]];  

tskObj1 = player createSimpLeTask["Destroy Tunguska"];
tskObj1 setSimpleTaskdescription ["Destroy the Tunguska to complete the objective and unlock the Blackhawk." "Destroy Tunguska".

*File name renamed here and "tskobj_1" changed to "tskObj1" (you will need to update your trigger)


//Start of description.ext
//Misc options
onLoadMission = Tunguska";
onLoadMissiononeTime = FALSE;
briefing = 1;
debriefing = 1;

ShowGPS = 1;
showCompass = 1;
showMap = 1;
showNotePad = 1;
showWatch = 0;

class Header
gameType = COOP;            //DM, Team, Coop, ...
minPlayers = ;             //min # of players the mission supports
maxPlayers = ;            //Max # of players the mission supports

//End of description.ext

*Again, file name renamed and added some more options added to the description.ext (althought if the mission is for SP only the minPlayers and maxPlayers are irrelevant)

Also, you may want to use the briefing manager by alimag that makes the process so much easier next time ;)

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// begin init.sqf

// Add brienfing
execVM "briefing.sqf";

if(true) exitwith () ; //Should be curly brackets here => exitWith {};

//end of init.sqf

That exitWith command is obsolete, SQF script ends when it reaches the end of the file automatically ;)

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That exitWith command is obsolete, SQF script ends when it reaches the end of the file automatically ;)

Nice tip, didint knew about that

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ohh grimfist nice work now understand everything about making mission

you are super grimfist We have helped me a lot of

thanks thanks thank

andrescl i will update trigger and tried it and it works

andrescl Person you like to provide assistance Thanks for the explanation

andrescl you are more than wonderful thank you andrescl


Thank you for your participation

thank You gave me all grimfist andrescl

شكرا جزيلا

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