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Annoying problem

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I've made a multiplayer map, where a group are inserted by helicopter, then the helicopter flies away. The heli encounters engine problems, and crashes. The pilot survives, and gets a waypoint telling him to join the group he just inserted (they were ordered to rescue him). The group also have a waypoint telling them to "Join And lead" the downed pilot. The join waypoint of the pilot and join and lead waypoint of the group are syncronised. This is where the problem is, when the join and lead waypoint is activated, OFP crashes with an error saying "DdHelp has performed an illegal operation". However, if i play the mission where the two waypoints are not syncronised, OFP does not crash.

PLEASE HELP!! mad.gif

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I'm no professional, so this may not be the correct answer. However, I'll have a shot. the resolutions suggested in this message may have no effect on the problem but they are ways of getting around it. I also know nothing about multiplayer games, so the methods below may have no effect.

Whenever I make a join (and lead) waypoint I synchronise it to a move (usually) or anyother waypoint, as long as it isn't another join/join and lead. This is instead of connecting two join waypoints together. this might cause confusion in the game?

You might already know this: Another way to make a man join another group is to include in the activation of a waypoint (not a join or join and lead waypoint) = [playername] join groupname. The groupname must be the name of the group and not the name of the leader of the group, e.g alpha = group this; you would then put alpha in where it says groupname.

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Thanks, I'll try the name one now. biggrin.gif

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