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CTD and Endless Blinking Receiving

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Oh look another one, I know thats what your all thinking, but here I go anyway:

From the day I Got Arma2 it has been endless trouble, due to the two problems stated in the thread title. I either get sent back to desktop after a random period of time ingame (CTD) or also (at random points while playing) get the receiving screen that just keeps going on and on and blincking at certain intervals every few seconds or so.

I highly suspect both these problems are due to RAM utilization ingame as it normaly CTD's or endless receives when there is alot going on ingame such as many enemys/friendlys in your render zone. Aion: The Tower of Eternety is also another game I play and councidently has a similar problem with RAM usage, when the page file hits 2Gb of usage the application CTD's due to the application not supporting 64-bit (Currently no one has found a way to fix the problem as of yet execpt for a setting in Aion that stops all player rendering, but you cant do that with Arma2 for obvious reasons). I suspect the same is happening with Arma 2 as it apears to be a 32-bit application. Ofcourse this is all just a theory. :)

I have tried addressing the problem myself but to no avail, I will now list all the information about my computer and what I have tried to stop the CTD's.

I am using the Steam version of arma2

System info:

OS:Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit

Mobo:Asus P5KPL-VM

CPU:Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @2.4Ghz

RAM:OCZ XTC Platinum OCZ2P8002G (4GB @ 800Mhz)

GPU:nVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS (640 MB)


HDD:MAXTOR STM3160212A ATA Device @ 7200 RPM 160GB capacity

Monitor:19" @ 1400x900 resolution

Drivers installed:

Geforce Driver Release 191.07 WHQL

Windows Vista service pack 1

Windows Vista service pack 2

Changes made to try and fix my problem:

- temporary disabling antivirus while running ArmA 2 Did not work

- disabling all unneeded applications (especially browsers, media players, scanners etc.) Did not work

- using windowed mode instead of fullscreen I could not find out how as there are no options for it in the menus

- using fullscree mode instead of windowd Did not work as its already in full screen

- disabling forced AA / AF in drivers (huge performance killer as game does that self ingame) Did not work

- changing ingame advanced video settings (needs lot of try&fail cycles)Did not work

- using -maxmem=2047 (with 3+ GB ram only) Did not work

- restarting OS Did not work

- defragmenting drive Did not work

- place ArmA 2 (demo) on different drive than OS (2 HDD system) and ideally different than swap file (3 HDD system) I have only 1 HDD

- updating drivers Did not work

- installing SP2 for Vista Did not work

- installing SP3 for XP Did not work

- validating the STEAM file cache (select arma2 in STEAMgames list>right mouse button> properties > local files > verify integrity of game cache + restart steam Did not work

Some other stuff I have tried:

Adding -winxp to the arma2.exe.

Adding -cpucount=4 to the arma2.exe.

Disabling PhsX acceleration.

Matching the screen resolution to the render resolution in the arma config.

((currently 1024x750)I know thats low :( )

Turning VSYNC off.

Altering the frames rendered ahead. (I tried changing it to 8)

Changing the Scene complexity in the config to 160000.

Running the Arma2.exe as administrator.

Any help would be appreciated. I just want to play >.<

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man,I am with you.I got the receiving stuff in mp ONLY since day one.we can only wait for a fix through patch....

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