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Get in Script Help

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Ok, so I have an AC-130 script I got from Armaholic. I am having a little trouble using it because its so difficult to find the right spot to where you can man the guns.

So I was hoping to write a script that does this

"If soldier (any soldier near by) is distance 2 away, then add action Get In Gunner" and when clicking "Get In Gunner" it moves you to the appropriate gunner seat".

But I am gonna be honest, I do not know how to do scripting outside of the basic stuff like putting something in the init field. But as for an actualy SQS file or SQF file I am completly lost

Would anyone be able to show me and explain to me how something like this would work? I look at the SQFs and I get confused when I see stuff like _vec and so forth.

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Try this:

Create an actionscript which is executed from the init of the gunship = C130 (example: null=execvm "c130_addactions.sqf")


c130gunner1 = gunship addAction ["Get in GAU 12U Equaliser", "gau.sqf"];
c130gunner2 = gunship addAction ["Get in L60 Bofors Cannon", "bofors.sqf"];
c130gunner3 = gunship addAction ["Get in M102 Cannon", "m102.sqf"];

As you can see every action has a script executed, in these scripts you put the moveingunner commands.


_vehicle = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;
_unit moveingunner gau; //name of the vehicle

Repeat this for the other guns (name the scripts as defined in the addactionscript.

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