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Last red hammer mission

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On the last Soviet mission in Red Hammer you are supposed to either kill or capture (preferably capture) 2 commanders after you have blown the base to pieces. Have any of you discovered how to capture the commanders and take them off the island? Every time I approach them when it is time to evacuate I am immediately gunned down by Soviet fire. Thanks for any help!

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I always wait until the friendly forces have moved in and reached the camp. Then I go in with them and with any luck, the officers will be alive, standing behind a building near the boats. Run up to them and the cutscene should start.

You might need to hide down by the boats (in the water) when you blow the bombs, then just walk up and the officers should be close by.

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after blowing up your stachels you can throw a grenade into the area between the three houses where the soviet troops are assembled. if you have successfully blown up all the three targets,

run to the fuel depot, and then to the sea. the commanders should come out of the big building to your right hand.

It's still not too late for you to go overboard[:-)]

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Does any body else get shot by the Americans on this mission? Because whenever I go to the recommended safe point, explode my bombs (and usually 6 other satchel charges for good luck) the Americans come bounding over the hill shooting me. So after about three goes of that I didn't use that technique any more, I hid behind one of the buildings and detonated all of my bombs from the shelter of the barracks. The base was then clean and all I had to do was walk a couple of metres and... Mission Completed.

Also on this mission I have noticed the radio thing doesn't do anything, hmmmmm.

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Cyberdyne, about that radio:

There is a problem with it. You have to call in something like 'Done' before you are able to send for the mortar. Just radio in some other command first, and then it should work.

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Thanks Random. Does that account for the American shoot-me-up problem as well? Or is that supposed to happen. It does say that the Americans are supposed to be on my side!

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I'm not sure about that friendly fire thing. I seem to remember the US troops shooting me sometimes too, but other times I can run into the base with them like we're allies. It may well be the radio message that fixes that, since the troops know that you're on their side.

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