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Help with triggers and actions

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Ok, this is what I need:

1) a trigger that counts ALL WEST units in the trigger area, and continously updates how many WEST are left in a small hint box

2) if WEST < 5, then I want the mission to "lose" ?

3) I want some soldier in the "win" scene to salute after 60 secs. How to?

4) I want some trigger to get activated after 65 secs. How to?

Please help, this is needed for what seems to be one of the best missions yet biggrin.gif

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Oh yeah, is a trigger capable of realising that the music in a cutscene has ended?

Cheers biggrin.gif

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1.</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint format["number:%1",count thislist]<span id='postcolor'>Put it in a looping script or whatever...

2. condition: count thislist < 5

3. use EffectStandSalute and EffectStandSaluteEnd with switchmove and or playmove, not sure which... can't remember. try.

4. a trigger will trigger after 65 seconds have past if you set the min, max and mid countdown to 65 in a trigger and the condition to true.

5. no idea...

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very simple to do anyway...

i m surprised you did no succeed in making it working...

work a little bit more...

working is the only way to get your job done...

never forget that.

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(1) Hmm...dunno!

(2) Have a trigger that is set to WEST and PRESENT and large enough for the area you want. In the condition field have: count thislist < 5

Have the type of trigger set to "Loose", I think.

(3) I can't remember the name of the animation, but for the 60 seconds just have the min, max and mid times set to 60. I haven't done outro scenes before but I guess you tell the mission editor Outro and set the trigger and unit there.

(4) Have the min, max and mid times set to 65 in the trigger. I got the feeling I might be misunderstanding you with this one?

(5) Umm...not to my knowledge but you could just time it manually and set the min, max and mid times to however long it goes on for and have the condition of this timed trigger so that it starts counting when the music starts.

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