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Vehicle towing script

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No, I've stopped developement for Arma, simply because the lack of time. Also the limits of arma in collision detection held me from improving this.

The debug should output some initialization and helps you find the correct coordinates by putting some pylons at the axes. If it doesn't work for you, you might be altering the wrong file?

Vehicles getting damaged is a problem of the collision detection of Arma. With the foldable wings it might be a problem with the mass distribution or smth. Not much you can do. However you might cheat a bit and try putting https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allowDamage for the towed plane.

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I see. Well I will try, but I suck on scripting. :) Too bad you don't script anymore. I was able to make the debug work. I have some issues with ad-dons one for example every time i attached it kinds of lean to the right. and when i detached it stay that way! :P Do you know why that may be? is it because of the axel position?

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I've encountered some objects that didn't work for some reason and keep turning one way or the other. You might playing with the wheel position to see if it improves, but there might just be some model problem with it.

Try attaching the generator cart in the sample mission, it does the same.

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Oww that was crazy!!! LOL I guess you cold never figured out why it goes crazy like that!? LOL

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hey guys, im trying to figure out how to add extra vehicles to my towing list,... i want the towing tractor to be able to tow these (Vehicle: Classname)

F/A 18 Superhornets: vfa_14_200

vfa_14_202 (not sure if they are the right class name)

Merlin HC3: BAF_Merlin_HC3_D

Chinook HC3: CH_47F_BAF

at first I copied the MH60S' code and replaced "MH60S" with "BAF_Merlin_HC3_D"

["MH60S", 	[0,-9], [0,-1], nil, false],

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