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Crossed Arrows

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Corpsmen (medics) have a red-cross emblem on their icon...obvious.

But some other of my squad have a crossed-arrows symbol on their icon...what does that mean?

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OK, that's a good start. Thanks. But what does that mean in the game? If I have two of these guys in my 10-man unit, how are they different and how would I use them to best advantage?

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I think SF can deactivate mines and/or do medic stuff like engineers? I know they can "hide body." Apart from any minor abilities it's just a name and a different default loadout.

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I think SF can deactivate mines and/or do medic stuff like engineers? I know they can "hide body." Apart from any minor abilities it's just a name and a different default loadout.

Yeah. That is my impression as well. They may have bit better eyesight and hearing abilities, maybe even better camoflage value in configs, i don't know. Their "right" place might be in front. Or not. I use most useless in that role so that if they run into enemy ambush the weakest link dies.

It's however healthy idea to check their skills. It's reasonable to assume that guy having SF logo has higher skill-level, so it might be good idea to give them something vital equipment like AT-weapon, sniper rifle or MG.

But scenario designer makes decisions about skill-level, high skill ain't something they get automatically.

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