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Help with triggers!

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Hey Hey!

I currently trying for the first time makeing my own maps and thats total fun, i currently printed out the 90 Pages of Operation Flashpoint Scripting Commands, and i look them over and over, and i cant seem to find a "wait" trigger/timer to add in a waypoint, confused.gif like i building this chopper to come and land then i want it to wait 10 sec before it moves to next wait point, is there such a way i can make it wait.

I looking forward from hearing from you all

Kindly Regards

Jeppe Lykke, Denmark smile.gif

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There is an option for a timeout inside the waypoints


Max Min Average

by default it's all set to 0

choosing different settings causes a random timeout

20 - 10 - 15

this would let the unit/group wait at least 10 seconds,

at maximum 20 seconds and at an average delay of 15 seconds.

There are some more settings, which can be done inside

a waypoints menu: e.g: combat-mode, formation, behaviour

and speed. Those settings would become active, as soon

as the unit/group starts heading to direction of this waypoint.

The timeout first becomes active, once it has reached the waypoint. Same with condition field, or activation field.

If you set a condition, the unit would walk to this waypoint,

and wait there until this condition is true.

If you would place some commands, or execute an external

script from the activation field, it also would become active

once the condition of the waypoint is true, and the unit has

already reached this waypoint.

Take care, that you changed to advanced editor by clicking on the right top corner in editor.

hope this helps

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Thank you so much, DV Chris Death

I did have a look at that time thingy wink.gif but diden understand what it was for, so I try play with that. biggrin.gif

Thank you again, for that reply it was very well written in details i dont think i can go wrong for here hehehe...

Take Care have a nice day

Kindly Regards

Jeppe Lykke

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